Elderly woman receives Barbie doll as surprise gift from granddaughter. Heartwarming viral video
India Today
A short clip capturing the woman’s reaction after she received her present has been posted to Twitter and went viral on social media.
An elderly woman in Brazil received a heartwarming surprise gift from her granddaughter, a Barbie Doll, something that she wanted all her life. A short clip capturing her reaction after she received her present has been posted to Twitter by GoodNewsCorrespondent and has gone viral on social media. BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE(Brazil) Dona Carmoza is surprised with a Barbie doll from her granddaughter...she'd wanted a Barbie her whole life. pic.twitter.com/MS6Kotbth3 It reminds me of when I gave a coworker one of my knitted teddy bears. She never had a teddy bear in her life. So heartwarming its so easy to be kind we should all do more small kindnesses Wishes can come true at any age Beautiful Dona Carmoza, as seen in the short clip, was rather excited after she received her gift wrapped in a pretty wrapping paper. Enthusiastically, Dona opened the parcel and found a Barbie doll inside, and her reaction is absolutely a sight to behold as she exclaimed in sheer delight and embraced her granddaughter.More Related News