El Salvador seeks arrest of former president for corruption
ABC News
Prosecutors in El Salvador have issued an arrest warrant for former president Salvador Sánchez Cerén on charges of embezzlement and money laundering
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -- Prosecutors in El Salvador have issued an arrest warrant for former president Salvador Sánchez Cerén on charges of embezzlement and money laundering. Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado said Thursday the charges are related to crimes allegedly committed when Sánchez Cerén served as vice-president in the administration of Mauricio Funes from 2009 to 2014. Sánchez Cerén went on to serve as president from 2014 to 2019, and is also being charged with illict enrichment. The corruption allegedly involved $351 million in government funds that were used to make illegal payments to government employees and their associates. The scam has become known as the “Public Looting” scandal. “Even though there was no blood spilled as in crimes like homicide, this big pile of money never reached the hospitals, schools, and never was used to buy equipment for police,” said Security and Justice Minister Gustavo Villatoro.More Related News