Either 'deplorable' driving stops, or southwest Edmonton councillor will look at speed reduction options
Southwest Edmonton has a speeding problem, according to hundreds of complaints Ward pihêsiwin councillor Tim Cartmell says he has received.
Southwest Edmonton has a speeding problem, according to hundreds of complaints Ward pihêsiwin councillor Tim Cartmell says he has received.
It's a problem so serious, Cartmell felt it was necessary to use his "dad voice" in a Facebook post scolding residents earlier this week.
"I'm not talking about people doing 50 [km/h] in a 40 [km/h zone]. We've heard behaviour of people passing other vehicles in school zones. So that means someone's doing 40 and someone else is doing 70 in the wrong lane," Cartmell told CTV News Edmonton on Thursday.
"That's a bit extreme. And it's not everybody. We've got some extreme examples. But we had at least one incident where a child was struck by a car."
Although the incident was classified by police as minor, according to the councillor, it implies a larger problem of people ignoring rules meant to make communities safe, Cartmell said.
"I got [an email] from a family that saw this other child get hit in front of them. How do– What do you do?" he asked.
"I'm at a bit of a loss. I don't know what to tell them when people are saying, 'We want to feel safer on the road in front of our house, and we don't. Help. Help us.'"