Education Minister reviews Covid management in IISCs. IITs ,IISERs and NITs
India Today
Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyak chaired a meeting with Directors of IISc, IITs, IIITs, IISERs, and NITs to review the situation of Covid management and imparting online education.
Union Minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal on Thursday chaired a meeting with Directors of IISc/IITs/IIITs/IISERs and NITs through video conferencing. Minister of State for Education Sanjay Dhotre, Amit Khare, Secretary, Higher Education Ministry of Education and Directors of IITs, IISc, IISERs, NITs, IIITs were also present. Union Minister exhorted that there is a need to maintain the quality education in these Institutes of National Importance besides taking adequate safety measures for managing the Covid-19 situation.More Related News