Edmonton family struggles to cancel credit card even with power of attorney
An Edmonton-area man has struggled to get a credit card cancelled for his infirm father despite his family having power of attorney.
After showing early signs of dementia, Darren Lavigne's father went through a law firm to give enduring power of attorney (POA) to his wife in 2018, effective immediately.
His father continued to deteriorate.
Two years ago, he left the house one night without telling anyone and was found nearly 18 hours later in Calgary, Lavigne said.
He now lives in a long-term care facility.
It's unclear when his 80-year-old father signed up for a Canadian Tire Triangle Mastercard but attempts to cancel it have been frustrating, Lavigne said.
In November 2020, Lavigne's mother sent a photocopy of the POA and asked that the credit card be changed to her name. She received a response asking for the original POA or a notarized copy.
Advice published by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta says in most situations a photocopy of the enduring POA is not enough as people or companies want to see an original or notarized copy.
Canadian Tire also included additional identification paperwork to be signed in front of a guarantor within 30 days and asked for written declarations of mental infirmity by two doctors, citing federal regulation requirements.
"It seemed ridiculous to me," said Lavigne, noting the costs that could be involved.
Lavigne's mother asked the card be cancelled and declined to activate new cards sent through the mail when the old ones expired. She tried unsuccessfully to end pre-authorized payments through their bank.
Meanwhile, an identity theft protection cost of $10.49 a month wracked up, and was later withdrawn from their bank account.
Lavigne stepped in to help this winter but had no success with customer service.
"I said, 'Does it make any sense to you that my mother could literally unplug my father from life support but she can't cancel his credit card?'"