Edmonton-area friends head to Ukrainian border to help refugees
Global News
Five brothers and lifelong friends are preparing to travel to Poland to help transport refugees and bring supplies to them.
A group of five Edmonton-area brothers and lifelong friends are preparing to make a trip they never expected: to the Ukrainian border to act as refugee transporters.
The group is calling themselves YEG4Ukraine. They’re five Ukrainian-speaking dads whose families have strong ties to the war-torn country.
“You see what’s happening there,” explained Daniel Warenycia-Sousa. “I’m glued to it 24/7 and I just can’t sit around and do nothing anymore.”
So the men decided to act. They booked flights to Poland, leaving on March 31.
The goal upon arrival is simple.
“Just to help out any way we can. Get people to where they need to get to, get supplies into that country,” Daniel said.
YEG4Ukraine will bring much-needed medical supplies, including a dozen full suitcases from groups like Not Just Tourists in Calgary.
Using money donated through GoFundMe for their cause, the men also purchased 500 tactical first aid kits which they’ll bring east and deliver to first responders at the border.