Early referendum results have Maine voters against $10 billion Hydro-Quebec deal
Maine voters are at the polls today, and many Quebecers are holding their breaths, as the Americans decide whether to allow an enormous Hydro-Quebec project. Results are expected late Tuesday.
Final results won't be available until late Tuesday in a referendum over a power line that would bring billions to Quebec.
The line would carry Quebec-made electricity to Massachusetts, but it needs to pass through Maine to get there.
But first results weren't looking good for Hydro-Quebec, with 65 per cent of the vote reported as of 10:10, and the "no" vote winning at about 59.5 per cent versus 40.5 per cent, according to live results published by the Bangor Daily News.
The deal is worth $10 billion over 20 years, and the line is already under construction after getting approval from all Maine regulators. (The public gathered the signatures needed, however, to force a referendum.)