Dry January gains momentum in the Maritimes as more products come onboard
Starting 2024 off sober is gaining traction, it aligns with the dry January trend, where individuals abstain from alcohol after the holidays.
Starting 2024 off sober is gaining traction, it aligns with the dry January trend, where individuals abstain from alcohol after the holidays.
Here in the Maritimes, there is a plethora of non-alcoholic beer options which is helping fuel a rise of sober drink choices.
David Finlayson, founder of Resolution Revelry, a dry January party, says there's no shortage of non-alcoholic drinks options out there for the sober-curious.
“I'm certainly not here to say drink or don't drink, but there's a bunch of different options out there that probably taste just as good or as the alcoholic version," said Finlayson.
Resolution Revelry is a tasting event that will feature dozens of non-alcoholic beer, cider, wine, and cocktail options.
It's a fundraiser for the United Way said Finlayson, but it's also a great opportunity for someone who might be thinking about non-alcoholic drink alternatives.
"If you have any thoughts like, 'Hey I want to change my lifestyle a little bit, and maybe I want to try a little time away from alcoholic beverages,’ then I think this a great way to find out," said Finlayson.