Drug problem growing in smaller centres, rural areas of Saskatchewan: RCMP
Global News
Communities such as Yorkton, Sask., have voiced concerns regarding the rising numbers of drug overdoses being reported out of smaller centres and rural areas of the province.
Last year was a record year for overdose deaths in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Coroners Service announced this week that 464 people died by a confirmed or suspected drug overdose in 2021, up from 327 in 2020 and 179 in 2019.
In Regina and Saskatoon alone there were a combined 172 confirmed drug overdose deaths in 2021.
However, while many of the province’s deaths are occurring in the province’s two largest municipalities, there are concerns regarding the growing numbers being reported out of smaller centres and rural areas.
One community worried about the increased amount is Yorkton, Sask.
St. Sgt. Burton Jones took over as detachment commander of the Yorkton RCMP detachment in July of 2021.
In an interview with Global News, Jones said the detachment has been called to five confirmed fentanyl overdose deaths since he became detachment commander.
In the same time frame, he added there were at least 10 instances where RCMP members used Narcan to revive a person.