Dr. Shahab urges vaccination, masking as Saskatchewan gets set for back-to-school
Global News
Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan's chief medical health officer, says COVID-19 vaccination is as important as ever and it may be time to mask-up again as fall approaches.
As COVID-19 infections increase in Saskatchewan, the province may look at the expansion of booster eligibility as well as going back to weekly reporting of COVID-19 numbers this fall.
Between July 17 and Aug. 13, Saskatchewan reported 1,524 new cases and 27 COVID-related deaths. Test positivity, outbreak and hospital/ICU admissions have all increased over the last month, and with students heading back to school in just a matter of days, numbers are likely to continue to go up.
Dr. Saqib Shahab, the chief medical health officer in the province, said it may be time to mask-up again in Saskatchewan.
“If you’re in a crowded place with lots of people you don’t know, it’s a good idea to wear a mask and that’s going to be increasingly important in the fall,” Shahab said.
On top of considering masks, Shahab is urging all Saskatchewan residents to get up-to-date with the vaccine – a fourth booster is now available for people 18 and older.
“I’m really happy we have had a big response from the third dose and fourth dose for those 50 and older, because that is the highest-risk population for hospitalization,” he said.
“But certainly right now, two doses is not enough. Anyone who is 12 and older should have that first booster and getting that right now will reduce community transmission.”
Currently, fewer than half of those eligible have had one booster and only 43 per cent of school-age children have two COVID vaccine doses, he added.