Doug Ford still using personal phone as transparency battle over call log continues
Global News
The Ford government has been locked in a battle with Global News over the premier’s personal cellphone for more than a year.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford is continuing to give his personal cell number to people, saying he will make government ministers and municipal leaders help to address their problems, even as lawyers for the premier fight to keep his call records secret and argue they are not related to official business.
The Ford government has been locked in a battle with Global News over the premier’s personal cellphone for more than a year, refusing to release government-related records from the device and arguing the request is a breach of privacy.
While that battle has continued and grown in front of a provincial privacy watchdog — most recently with the inclusion of lawyers for the premier personally, not just the government — Ford has continued his very public use of his unofficial phone number.
Most recently, at the end of June, Ford read his number out during an appearance at Toronto Pearson International Airport, urging anyone who “needs help” to text or call his personal number.
“Get your cellphones out because I’m going to give you my cell number and this is going to go on TV,” the premier said to a group of airport workers and gathered media.
“I get about 300 messages every single day and I’ll do my very best (to reply). You don’t have to text me, ‘Great to see you’ because it just adds on to my 300 messages. But if your family needs help, if you need help, your friends, your neighbours, whatever it is, I handle everything.”
Ford went on to explain that when issues are raised with him on his personal phone, he involves other levels of government, ministers in his own cabinet and MPPs to work on solutions.
“Municipal issues, I pass it onto our municipal partners, federal — our federal partners have been fabulous and provincial issues I keep all my MPPs and ministers going all day long,” he said.