Donald Trump Jr. Accused Of Killing Protected Bird During Illegal Hunt
Italian officials said that the president's eldest son killed an incredibly rare, protected duck without the proper hunting permits.
Donald Trump Jr. has been accused of killing a protected duck while on a hunt in Italy that may not have even been legal to begin with.
Italian officials began speaking out about the incident Tuesday after obtaining hunting footage produced for an outdoor lifestyle brand Trump co-founded that was taken at the Venice Lagoon.
“This is actually a rather uncommon duck for the area. Not even sure what it is in English, but incredible shoot,” he can be heard saying in the video as he singles out a vibrant orange bird among the several he shot down.
Speaking with the Italian press, Andrea Zanoni, a regional councillor in Italy’s Veneto region, identified the bird as the “protected” ruddy shelduck.
“It is a species protected throughout Europe by the EU Birds Directive and by Italian law, which criminalizes its killing and possession,” Zanoni said, as translated into English.