DOE U-turns on axed school lunch items but not all students to benefit, sources say
NY Post
City officials are touting the reversal of drastic cafeteria menus changes after kids were caught trashing the meals — but not at all schools will be getting back their beloved french toast sticks, bean burritos and chicken dumplings, The Post has learned.
The much ballyhooed change will actually only affect schools with “food court menus” — which are limited to some 50 schools that have taken part in a $50 million Cafeteria Enhancement Experience program, a DOE food supervisor told The Post.
“Chicken Dumplings will be served on the food court menu, not all the schools can use the food court menu,” the supervisors said adding that “the dumplings appeared on regular menus from from September to December last year.”
Multiple educators across the five boroughs told the Post their schools do not have access to the “food court menu.”
“In fact based in the DOE menu for my school my kids aren’t getting anything but cold sandwiches and salad,” one disgruntled source revealed.
When questioned several times about the difference between the “regular menu” and the “food court menu” and how many school’s received the limited menu, the DOE refused to explain.