Doctor Who Saved Man's Life With CPR At Delhi Airport Honoured
NWR General Manager Amitabh presented an appreciation certificate to Dr. Priya during a weekly review meeting in Jaipur.
A doctor's quick response recently saved the life of an elderly man who suffered a heart attack at Delhi Airport. The incident, which took place at Terminal 2, was recorded by an onlooker and is now widely shared on social media. In recognition of her efforts, North Western Railways (NWR) honoured Dr Priya Garg on Saturday. उत्तर पश्चिम रेलवे मुख्यालय पर महाप्रबंधक श्री अमिताभ की अध्यक्षता में सभी मंडल रेल प्रबंधको एवं विभागाध्यक्षो के साथ कार्य समीक्षा बैठक का आयोजनबैठक में नई दिल्ली हवाई अड्डे पर बुजुर्ग को समय पर सीपीआर देकर जान बचाने वाली रेलवे की डॉ प्रिया गर्ग को भी किया गया सम्मानित… pic.twitter.com/OiPRB3Za4l
NWR General Manager Amitabh presented an appreciation certificate to Dr. Priya during a weekly review meeting in Jaipur. Dr Priya, a senior divisional medical officer at the Railway Hospital in Ajmer, hails from Jaipur.