Do you feel happy living in Calgary? Quality of life report suggests many do
A new report suggests that despite high inflation, volatile energy prices and a competitive housing market, Calgarians are happier than they've been in recent years.
A new report suggests that despite high inflation, volatile energy prices and a competitive housing market, Calgarians are happier than they've been in recent years.
According to the Calgary Foundation's 2023 Quality of Life report released on Tuesday, 81 per cent love living in the city.
"Overall, we're happier," the report says. "Sixty-nine per cent rate their happiness as good or excellent, up five per cent from 2022 and 2021."
The report, which has been published since 2007, found 93 per cent of Calgarians are happy in the community they live in, 87 per cent feel Calgary is a good place for young people to live and 79 per cent don't see themselves moving anytime soon.
Calgary's arts and culture industry is one of the best parts of the city, the report suggests, with a majority (70 per cent) feeling its strength helps create a vibrant city. That's up by eight per cent over last year.
However, Calgary isn't immune to the challenges that many other Canadians living in other major cities are facing.
About 25 per cent of people are struggling with affording essentials, the report says, and 21 per cent are concerned about their health, but with food prices so high, eating healthy isn't as easy as it once was.