Do parents want to know if their child changes pronouns at school? One survey finds most do but differ on consent
A recent survey finds most Canadians believe parents must be informed if their child wishes to change their gender identity at school, but opinions differ on whether parents should have a say in that decision.
A recent survey finds most Canadians believe parents must be informed if their child wishes to change their gender identity at school — but opinions differ on whether parents should have a say in that decision.
The online survey of 3,016 Canadian adults, who are members of the Angus Reid Forum, asked respondents their policy preference when it comes to children changing their preferred name or pronouns at school.
The results, released on Monday, show that a plurality or 43 per cent agreed that parents must be informed and give consent if a child wants to change how they identify.
Another 35 per cent said parents should just be informed, while 14 per cent said this decision is "up to the child" and parents should not be informed or have a say.
Eight per cent of respondents were unsure or couldn't say what their preference would be.
"Last week Saskatchewan joined New Brunswick in adopting a new gender and pronoun policy for schools, which would require parental consent for students who wish to change their preferred name or pronouns," the survey from Angus Reid says.
"Vociferous debate has followed in both provinces, and a new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds Canadians, too, divided on what level of parental involvement is necessary when it comes to children’s preferred identification."