DMRL makes high pressure compressor discs for aero-engines
The Hindu
The annual requirements of these high value HPC discs are quite large, warranting indigenisation
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has established the near isothermal forging technology to produce all the five stages of High-Pressure Compressors (HPC) discs out of ‘difficult-to-deform’ titanium alloy using its unique 2000 MT isothermal forge press for use in aero-engine technology. The technology was by Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), DRDO’s metallurgical laboratory here and with this development, India has joined the league of limited global engine developers to have the manufacturing capabilities of such critical aero-engine components. The technology has been transferred to Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited - MIDHANI to meet the bulk production requirements. About 200 HPC disc forgings pertaining to various compressor stages have been jointly (DMRL & MIDHANI) produced initially and were successfully supplied to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (E), Bengaluru for fitment into Adour Engine powering the Jaguar/Hawk aircrafts, said an official release.More Related News