Diver helps octopus taking refuge in plastic cup. Old video goes viral
India Today
An old video of a diver convincing an octopus to shift from a plastic cup, where it was taking refuge, to a seashell has gone crazy viral on social media. The video has 18 million views on YouTube.
A diver happened to come across an octopus underwater during one of his diving sessions but he was very disappointed to see him take refuge in a plastic cup. Therefore, he decided to help shift the little underwater creature in a safer and better place and he captured the entire process. The clip which was originally posted by YouTuber Pall Sigurdsson two years ago, it was shared on Twitter handle by the name of Buitengebieden recently. Sigurdsson’s video has over 18 million views. Diver convinces an octopus to trade his plastic cup for a seashell.. pic.twitter.com/Xl4kOy6mld The amount of time it takes for this octopus to figure out the suitability of each shell is mind blowing. The danger that sea animals face because humans are being careless breaks my heart. We take so much for granted and that needs to stop. That’s so sweet, omg. and nice of the diver to careHopefully the cup wasn’t the little guys ‘reason for being’ or his/her utmost joy oh well, better it off anyway. This is heartbreaking but wonderful at the same time. Such mixed emotions Thank you for posting this. Leaving Big Gulp cups in shopping carts, throwing fast food trash bags in parking lots, etc. are bad enough. Tossing trash, and especially plastic, so it ends up in the ocean, endangering animals is despicable. Consider the effects of your actions. In the 3-minute-31-second video, the diver can be seen trying to convince the octopus seeking refuge in a plastic cup to shift to a seashell. The diver gives the little creature several options to choose from and it finally settles for one. The video was shared on YouTube with this caption, “We spent a whole dive and most of our air saving this octopus from what was bound to be a cruel fate.”More Related News