District of Tofino workers ready to strike
Global News
Tofino employees have been without a contract since June 1, 2020.
After hitting an impasse in negotiations, District of Tofino workers voted to strike, Canadian Union of Public Employees officials said.
“It is disappointing the District of Tofino is not understanding employee concerns,” Stacy Watton said, CUPE 118’s president.
“We have no choice but to take a stand now to ensure the long-term sustainability of public services for the Tofino community.”
Tofino employees have been without a contract since June 1, 2020.
The union hopes the district will respect employees and that a reasonable agreement can be achieved before services are disrupted.
“Tofino employees helped support residents through difficult times over the last two years caused by COVID-19 and its economic impacts,” Watton said.
“Now that the world has emerged from the pandemic and Tofino looks forward to a prosperous future. District workers need a new contract that recognizes our CUPE 118 members’ commitment to the community they and their families are a part of.”
The District of Tofino CUPE 118 Bargaining Unit has 30 total members, who provide vital public services to both residents and visitors.