Desperate search underway in Miramichi for man with Alzheimer's missing for 4 days
Searchers are scouring the woods in Miramichi for a New Brunswick man with Alzheimer's who has been missing for four days.
Brian Ahern, 76, was last seen on foot Saturday around 3 p.m. AT, following a social visit at a neighbour's home, according to his son, Cory Ahern.
"They said that they saw him cross the highway [126] and then enter the woods into the trail that he would have taken to go home," Ahern said.
The trail leads directly to the family homestead on Ahern Road, built by his great-grandparents in 1904, said Ahern.
It should have been a short walk, about five minutes, he said. But his father never made it home.
He suspects he might have missed the turn-off and kept going straight, deeper into the woods.
His family is extremely worried, he said.
"He hasn't eaten now in days, drank anything. He has medications he hasn't taken" for his blood pressure and some heart issues. In addition, he wasn't dressed for the weather, wearing only a sweatshirt, with no jacket.
Ahern hasn't lost hope, but fears it may be a recovery mission at this point rather than a rescue.
"As the days go on, I think there's just a lesser and less chance that we find him alive."
Ahern has issued a plea for people in the community to help in the search.
Although members of the Miramichi Police Force and the Miramichi Ground Search and Rescue searched the area on Sunday and Monday, Ahern said police told his mother they wouldn't be back again to search for her husband of 48 years — a father of three and grandfather of four — until Saturday.
Const. Robert Frontain, a spokesperson for the force, said he could not comment on that.
But he did confirm crews are "on standby" until Saturday, unless new information or clues come to light before then.