Democrats to propose $39.8 billion in Ukraine aid not linked to COVID aid
Top Democratic appropriators are proposing a $39.8 billion aid package for Ukraine, with increases of $3.4 billion for food and $3.4 billion in additional presidential drawdown authority for military equipment above President Biden's request, two sources familiar with the offer tell CBS News. The offer was made during negotiations, and had not yet been formally introduced as of Monday afternoon.
Ukraine aid will not be linked to COVID-19 aid, something many Democrats had hoped for but it likely wouldn't attract sufficient Republican support. A congressional source said President Biden communicated to congressional leadership that he wants to pass Ukraine aid first without COVID aid, given Senate Republicans' opposition, and then pass COVID-19 aid as a separate bill. Both bills would originate in the House.
"Everyone agrees COVID aid would slow this down and admin is days away of running out of Ukraine money," another source familiar with the discussions said.

Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church, a megachurch in Southlake, Texas, has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child, stemming from alleged incidents dating back to the 1980s, the Oklahoma attorney general's office announced Wednesday. We are aware of the actions being taken by the legal authorities in Oklahoma and are grateful for the work of the justice system in holding abusers accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for Cindy Clemishire and her family, for the members and staff of Gateway Church, and for all of those impacted by this terrible situation.