Democrats to focus on state races in midterm elections following SCOTUS abortion ruling
Fox News
The Democratic campaign committee that works to elect pro-choice Democrats to state legislatures around the country is opposed to the SCOTUS ruling on abortion.
Kyle Morris covers politics for Fox News. On Twitter: @RealKyleMorris.
"The court’s antiquated, politically-transparent decision strips women of the right to control their own bodies and will lead to unnecessary death," Chew said. "This decision caters to a hyper-vocal, fringe minority and not the eight in 10 Americans who support the legal right to abortion, while opening the door to attacks on the right to contraception and marriage equality.
"Americans across the political spectrum are alarmed at the Supreme Court and Republicans in state legislatures declaring open season on our fundamental rights. State Democrats will respond to this attack on our freedom to decide if and when to have a family by turning out voters in droves come this November."