Democrats hate filibuster now but used it to block GOP legislation under Trump
Fox News
Democrats are pushing to eliminate the Senate filibuster, which progressives paint as a tool of racism.
"Understand this: The filibuster gives veto power to Mitch McConnell. And to the gun industry," Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wrote on Twitter on Feb. 26. "And to the oil industry. For generations, racist senators used the filibuster to block anti-lynching laws and civil rights bills. It’s still blocking progress today. It’s got to go." However, Senate Democrats had no problem using the filibuster when the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, meant to mandate` care be provided for babies that survive an abortion attempt, was being pushed by Senate Republicans. Forty-one Democratic senators voted to block the born-alive bill by filibustering the legislation and preventing it from advancing to a floor vote. In addition, Senate Democrats filibustered Republican's $500 billion coronavirus relief bill in September after blocking Republicans on a procedural vote for a separate $1.6 trillion coronavirus relief package twice in March 2020. Senate Democrats blocked a vote on then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's $500 billion coronavirus relief bill in October as well.More Related News