Dem Rep. Cuellar says Biden listening to political activists, not Texas border communities and law enforcement
Fox News
Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, told "The Brian Kilmeade Show" that the Biden administration’s response to the border crisis has been too reliant on advice from "activists and political appointees" instead of the
HENRY CUELLAR: The bottom line is I supported Joe Biden for president. He was the most centrist candidate running but the problem, in my opinion, is that he has surrounded himself, at least on the immigration issue, with people that have backgrounds in – I would call them immigration activists -- and they're giving their perspective and the problem is that's only one perspective. What about the perspective of the border communities?
What about the landowners? I got a call from this landowner two days ago. He was so frustrated. He texts me later saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you know, letting out my frustration.' I said, no, I wanna, hear from you so they're, not listening to the border communities. And most importantly, also, they're not listening to the men and women in green and blue. Somebody has to have their back and when you have the political people that are giving advice to the administration, that is only one-sided.