Delivery Robots Ease Shopping In UK Town
According to the robots' operators, the squat white machines came into their own when Britain locked down last year as coronavirus hit the country.
It's famous for its roundabouts and statues of concrete cows. But the English town of Milton Keynes now has another claim to fame -- a trundling army of shopping delivery robots.
The six-wheeled automated vehicles, launched three years ago, barely get a second glance as they ply the residential streets, some 80 kilometres (49 miles) north of London.
Numbers have grown to 200 in Milton Keynes and nearby Northampton, which introduced the service in 2020, with plans for as many as 500 to be in action in five more places across the country.
According to the robots' operators, the squat white machines came into their own when Britain locked down last year as coronavirus hit the country.