Delhi Police resumes breathalyser tests for drunk-driving after a year, prosecute 90 violators on weekend
Zee News
A senior traffic police officer said that since people had started their outings, parties and dining, it was their duty to prevent people from driving in an intoxicated state.
New Delhi: Delhi Police on Saturday and Sunday prosecuted over 90 people for drunk-driving after restarting breathalyser tests a year after stopping the practice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While talking to ANI, Muktesh Chander, the Special Commissioner of Police, said, "We had to stop testing people for alcohol levels when Covid broke out because this required being in close contact with the driver. Now since Covid cases have reduced and people are out to enjoy, it is important to keep a check." "We will use disposal pipes for breathalyzers with a new one being used every time," added Chander.More Related News