Delhi Police arrests two in Facebook video threatening attack inside JNU campus
India Today
Acting on a complaint lodged by JNUSU, the Delhi Police on Sunday apprehended two people in the matter of a Facebook video threatening violence at the university campus on August 15.
Acting on a complaint lodged by the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union (JNUSU), the Delhi Police on Sunday apprehended two people in the matter of a Facebook video allegedly threatening violence at the university campus on August 15. Police arrested Vikas Sehrawat, a resident of Uttam Nagar, and Raja Kumar for filming and uploading a video on the Facebook page Mahakal Youth Brigade, in which Sehrawat can be seen allegedly giving an inflammatory speech and saying that there would be an attack on JNU on August 15. The video was purportedly shot and uploaded to Facebook from Raja Kumar’s mobile phone.More Related News