Delhi: Child rights body launches helpline number for children in distress
India Today
In a bid to help children in distress and SOS situations, the Delhi Commission For Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) has initiated an emergency response system. It has launched a helpline number to help distressed children within 30 minutes.
The Delhi Commission For Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) has initiated an emergency response system, a helpline number, to help distressed children in the national capital. Having handled nearly 2.5 lakh calls in the past one year, DCPCR, the child rights watchdog in Delhi, is now expanding to include an emergency response system by means of an on-field distress helpline team.
With the launch of helpline vehicles for immediate response to children in distress, it will be ensured that help can be extended within 30 minutes.
In an official statement, DCPCR said, "The ‘Children Distress Response Helpline’ will be a critical government helpline service for reaching out to children physically in distressed and SOS situations."
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DCPCR Chairperson, Anurag Kundu, told India Today, "The team will not only provide relief to children who are in need but will also proactively undertake preventative measures and conduct field visits to protect children at the risk of danger and exploitation, which may include children at the risk of child marriage, child labour trafficking etc."