Defense Dept. Schools Pause STEM Club for Girls and Pride Clubs
The New York Times
Clubs for Hispanic and Asian students were also among the student groups put on hold as officials raced to interpret Trump administration orders.
At Lakenheath High School, a school for children of U.S. military members in Britain, a club for gay students and their allies can no longer meet. A Women in STEM group has also been placed on hold.
At Ramstein High School in Germany, groups for students of Hispanic and Asian heritage as well as the Pride and Ally club were among those put on pause.
And worldwide, in schools attended by military families, books are under review in response to Trump administration orders cracking down on gender identity and diversity, equity and inclusion.
So far, few U.S. school districts have made sweeping changes in response to Trump administration orders. Most K-12 schools operate largely under local and state control, with limited interference from the federal government.
But a school system run by the Defense Department, which serves about 67,000 students in preschool through high school on military bases around the world, is an exception. As part of the federal government, Defense Department schools have hurried to respond.
In addition to pauses on some affinity clubs related to gender and race and reviews of certain books, Pride decorations have been taken down and Black History Month assemblies and performances have been canceled, according to interviews with students and parents and a copy of a Defense Department memo.