DECs to oversee power reforms mooted
The Hindu
It’s part of a series of decisions taken over the last couple of months
In yet another significant move to improve accountability and transparency among the power utilities, particularly distribution companies (discoms), as part of reforms the Ministry of Power (MoP) told the State Governments recently to set up District Electricity Committees (DECs) to have an oversight over all power schemes of the Centre and their impact on services to consumers.
The committees would also have to ensure involvement of people in the process of power sector reforms. The committee would also ensure a role to elected representatives in taking decision related to power transmission and distribution at district level.
To be headed by the most senior MP in the district, the DECs would comprise other MPs in the district as co-chairpersons, District Collector as member-secretary, all legislators in the district and Zilla Parishad Chairperson as its members. Other members would be representatives of MoP/New and Renewable Energy PSUs in the district. Chief/Superintending Engineer of Discom in the district would be the member-convenor.