Decks cleared for expansion of MSW power plant in Hyderabad
The Hindu
Expert of MoEF recommends EC for project expansion from 19.8 MW to 48 MW
Decks have been cleared for expansion of the 19.8 megawatt capacity refuse derived fuel (RDF)-based waste-to-energy power plant at Jawaharnagar here to 48 MW with an expert appraisal committee of the Ministry of Environment and Forests recommending environmental clearance to the proposal.
While recommending the proposal for EC, the expert panel has specified several conditions to safeguard environment. The expansion of the project is set to be taken up at its existing site of 31.5 acres out of 351.12 acres of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Project by Hyderabad MSW Energy Solutions P. Ltd, a subsidiary of Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd.
During the course of operation of the existing 19.8 MW plant the generation potential has been found to be peak up to 24 MW. Accordingly, it is being planned to augment the capacity to 24 MW without any additional use of water, fuel and without causing any additional impact of any kind and to construct another 24 MW waste to energy module adjacent to the plant in operation.