Debt ceiling deal won't deliver on inflation or America. Senate must scrap it
Fox News
The House passed the debt ceiling deal on Wednesday. Now its fate is in the hands of the Senate. It's time for my colleagues to stop this deal in its tracks and bid farewell to debt.
I am a businessman who has negotiated a lot of deals. In every deal, you have to say no at some point. Maybe this is the time all Republicans need to say no.
Now conservatives in Congress have a choice. We can either do business with the devil knowing this debt ceiling bill will not slay inflation, reduce retirement concerns or medical bills. Or, we can say now is the time to live within our means and stop inflation in its tracks.
If the time to say no is not today, when is it? Is it when we hit $40 trillion in debt, mortgage rates climb north of ten percent and credit card interest rates go over 30%? I say no, that would be far too late.