Data suggests spread of infection slowing down. Has the second wave peaked?
India Today
Data show R-value has dropped to 0.98 on May 11. It was at 1.08 on March 5 and climbed to 1.56 in the third week of April. It has been gradually coming down since then.
Amid the gloom, there’s a glimmer, for certain data suggests that the deadly second wave of Covid-19 might lose its steam soon. India’s effective reproduction value (R), an indicator of how fast the infection can spread, has dropped to pre-second wave levels. Even though active cases continue to rise, and daily deaths are still in excess of 4,000 every day, a reduction in R-value below one indicates that the infection is likely to spread slower than before. R-value indicates the number of people that one Covid-positive person can pass on the infection to.More Related News