Data | How many Indians own a fridge, AC or a washing machine: A State-wise split
The Hindu
Only 16% of households in India own all three appliances- television, refrigerator and washing machine, while close to 25% do not own a car, a bike or a bicycle
Nearly two-thirds of the households in Uttar Pradesh and close to half in Rajasthan endured the searing heat wave this summer without air-conditioners or air-coolers, NFHS-5 (2019-21) data revealed. In fact, only 15% of households in rural India owned one of these, whereas in the urban areas the ownership was significantly better at around 40%. The data also showed that only 7.5% of households own a car, whereas 50% own a bicycle. Ironically, bicycle lanes are a rarity in India. Notably, only 16% of households own a television, a refrigerator, and a washing machine — showing that the trio are still luxury commodities.
The maps show the share of households in each State that owns a type of transport. The overall share of Indians who own a type of vehicle is also mentioned above the map. The darker the colour, the higher the ownership of vehicles.
Almost 50% of Indian households own motorised two-wheelers. Punjab tops the list with 75% of households owning a bike while the northeastern States are among the least.
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More than half of the Indian households own a bicycle. Bicycle ownership was relatively very high among the eastern, northern and north eastern parts of the country
Only less than 10% of households in India own a car. The ownership was relatively higher in Punjab, Kerala, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, the U.T.s of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir and select northeastern States.
Close to 25% of households in India do not own a car, a bike or a bicycle.