Dan Gainor: Big Tech crushing free speech – this censorship report card reveals growing and dangerous bias
Fox News
“F.” One letter says everything you need to know about failure in our society. In this case, it’s a letter hard-earned by Big Tech.
Big Tech didn’t just fail overall. All six major firms that were analyzed earned an "F" in free speech. The list was a Who’s Who of technology – Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube. None of them did well. If there were a lower grade than "F," some might have earned it. Nothing typifies Amazon’s attitude toward the right better than a shirt calling to kill every member of the opposing political party. The first quarter was filled with examples of their censorship. The power-mad powerbrokers of Big Tech went after President Donald Trump following the Capitol Hill riot. At least 10 separate tech companies censored him. Trump had long been in their sights. Leftist journalists and their friends in the tech world were furious that he had used social media to win election in 2016. They spent years getting revenge.More Related News