Czech restaurant fire kills six people
The Peninsula
Prague: A restaurant fire in a northwestern city of the Czech Republic killed six people and injured eight in a suspected heating accident, rescue ser...
Prague: A restaurant fire in a northwestern city of the Czech Republic killed six people and injured eight in a suspected heating accident, rescue services said Sunday.
"The fire spread extremely fast after a patio gas heater was probably knocked over," the local fire service posted on Facebook.
The fire broke out in a wooden garden adjacent to the U Kojota ("Coyote") restaurant at a housing estate in the city of Most, about 70 kilometres (45 miles) northwest of the capital Prague.
It was reported at 2217 GMT on Saturday and was under control by midnight, the fire service said.
Velitel zásahu po příjezdu na místo rozhodl o zahájení hasebních prací a zároveň vyslal skupinu hasičů s útočným proudem hledat hosta restaurace uvězněného na toaletě. Těžce zraněného se ho hasičům podařilo z hořící budovy zachránit. pic.twitter.com/Itay7Sj8t7