Cyber Forensics Lab to recruit experts amid rising cyber crimes
The Hindu
Cyber Forensics Lab to recruit experts amid rising cyber crimes
Amid the rising menace of cyber crime cases in the country, Telangana’s dedicated Cyber Forensics Lab (TGCFL) is all set to take up investigations in the coming weeks.
The lab is currently being developed adjacent to the Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratory (TGFSL) in Red Hills, Hyderabad. As per senior officials in the State forensic science department, the lab is 90% complete and will start operations next month.
“While Telangana is doing great in the forensic science domain, the key gap that remains is on the front of cyber forensics. As of today, the TGFSL is overburdened with cyber forensic investigations and so major push is needed especially amid a major spike in cyber crimes,” said TGFSL Director Shikha Goel.
The new lab will have equipment for analysing evidence including internet artifacts and digital footprints, data retrieval and voice comparison among other tests. Some of them include UFED 4PC, MSAB XRY, Oxygen Forensic detective, Atolla Task force, ENCASE, Magnet Axiom, PC-3000 Bundle and Flash, DVR Examiner, Mandet, AmpedFIVE, FaceVACS, EdiTracker, SIS II, CSL, ACU Expert and Batvox.
In an under-trial murder case, the cyber forensics team of the TGFSL has been able to submit a report in record time by examining the mobile phone of an accused person.
“Examination regarding the meta data of the videos i.e. date and time of capture, device information etc. and to check for any editing in the media files recorded, the videos and images pertaining to crime were retrieved using UFED and examined with Mandet and EdiTracker tools for authentication,” explained the official.