Customers may turn their back on SaskTel services over email subscription fee
SaskTel customers aren't just bemoaning the idea of paying for email accounts, they're threatening to switch providers over it.
SaskTel customers aren't just bemoaning the idea of paying for email accounts, they're threatening to switch providers over it.
"Everything seems to be going further and further and further up and there's just this almost aloof type of attitude of saying, 'Well, we'll just pass it on to the customer,'" Harry Ohrn said.
Ohrn has been a SaskTel customer for roughly 40 years. It didn't take long for him to reconsider that arrangement when he received an email on Wednesday from the company saying free sasktel dot net email addresses will cost $1.95 per month starting in April.
"Oh, this is making us think about leaving big time. Not only leaving our email but just to completely switch over to a satellite service," he said.
Ohrn, 68, has been retired for roughly eight years. His main concern isn't just how integrated his Sasktel (dot) net email account is in his life, but how many people his age aren't as tech savvy, and may not realize they're being charged for a service that has been free since it was introduced.
"They're in a situation I believe, where they're almost trapped because if they're not that computer literate, and they can't easily switch over to another account like Yahoo or Gmail, then they're stuck paying that extra couple bucks a month," Ohrn said.
Mike Scherban has been a SaskTel customer for roughly 10 years and never imagined a day the company would want money for an email account.