Cult of machines and automation are incapable of preventing unwanted events
Fox News
The U.S. had plenty of data prior to 9/11, but failed to understand its meaning. Israel, after thwarting attack after attack, felt secure in its protective digital shield. But it failed.
Dr. Mihai Nadin is professor emeritus of computer science and interactive media, and former Ashbel Smith Professor, University of Texas at Dallas. His latest book is "Disrupt Science: The Future Matters" (Springer, Dec. 20, 2023).
Israel’s famous security service, and the no less famous IDF (Israel Defense Force), were demeaned. Terrorists, training for paraglider infiltration under the eyes of many secret services (U.S. included) succeeded against the technological miracle of a border void of living military, which was replaced by machines. It was automated—the highest achievement of determinism.
The cascade of failures that led to killing, maiming, taking hostages and destroying buildings will be subjected to scrutiny. But nobody can undo the horror of a war, in reaction to terror, that might be justified but in the end costs more lives of innocents.