CTV News anchor Jocelyn Laidlaw talks cancer battle, importance of early detection
The recent death of actress Kirstie Alley has CTV News anchor Jocelyn Laidlaw contemplating her own situation, and the message she can offer to others.
The recent death of actress Kirstie Alley has CTV News anchor Jocelyn Laidlaw contemplating her own situation, and the message she can offer to others.
Alley died Dec. 5 at age 71, after a short battle with colon cancer.
Laidlaw, who last month took leave from CTV to undergo treatment following her own cancer diagnosis, says that news hit home.
“I, too, have colorectal cancer and mine was discovered fairly late as well,” she said in a video posted to Twitter.
“They call it the silent killer, and for good reason.
“As Kirstie found out, it can grow inside you with you not even knowing ... for many patients, that's exactly what happens.”
Laidlaw says the decision of Alley’s family to share the kind of cancer the actress had led her to think she should do the same.