Cricketer To Vegetable Vendor: Crowdfunding Helps Toddler Get Rs 17.5-Crore Jab
22-month-old Hridayansh is the son of a Rajasthan Police sub-inspector.
What unites a popular actor, a cricketer who has played for the Indian team, vegetable vendors and the common man? The answer, in a heartwarming story from Rajasthan, is the goal of saving a 22-month-old boy who had lost nearly all bodily function below the waist and needed to be given an injection worth Rs 17.5 crore to ensure he led a normal life. राजस्थान पुलिस में सब इंस्पेक्टर के बेटे हृदयांश को नई जिंदगी देने की मुहिम आख़िरकार कामयाब हुई. क्राउड फंडिंग के ज़रिए अमेरिका से मँगवाया 17 करोड़ 50 लाख का इंजेक्शन हृदयांश को लग चुका है. जयपुर के JK लोन अस्पताल में चिकित्सकों ने हृदयांश को दुनिया का सबसे महंगा जोलगेनेस्मा…
Hridayansh Sharma, the son of Rajasthan Police Sub-Inspector Naresh Sharma, is suffering from a rare genetic disorder called spinal muscular atrophy which can be treated with a single dose gene therapy injection called Zolgensma, one of the world's most expensive drugs, which costs approximately Rs 17.5 crore.
In February, when the boy was 20 months old, the Rajasthan Police had launched a crowdfunding campaign for him which had a strict deadline, because the injection can be administered only until a child is 2 years old.