Covid Supplies Price Hike To India Due To Import Of Raw Materials: China
Soaring prices of COVID-19 medical supplies like oxygen concentrators and disruption of cargo flights to India are slowing arrivals of medical goods, India's Consul General in Hong Kong Priyanka Chauhan said this week.
China on Friday said the prices of some of the COVID-19 medical supplies like oxygen concentrators being procured by Indian companies from Chinese manufacturers have gone up as they had to import raw materials from Europe to meet the excess demand from India. Responding to a question from the official media here on India's Consul General in Hong Kong Priyanka Chauhan's recent remarks calling on China to stop surging prices of medical supplies to India, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told a media briefing that China has been encouraging its companies to meet India's procurement to meet the country's surge in coronavirus cases. Soaring prices of medical supplies like oxygen concentrators and disruption of cargo flights to India are slowing arrivals of medical goods, Ms Chauhan said this week. On price increases, especially of the oxygen concentrators, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said that the feedback from the Chinese manufacturers suggests that they had to import raw materials to meet the excess demand from India.More Related News