'Covid Killer Express' bus hits Inuvik's roads to educate underhoused about vaccines
Inuvik's "Covid Killer Express," a hospital bus that transported the COVID-19 vaccines to communities in the region, is back on the road but this time it's targeting the town's underhoused population.
"Our mandate is to reach out to groups of people or populations that maybe have some hesitancy coming to a health centre, and making it approachable," said Sarah Fitzgerald, a registered nurse and the Beaufort Delta's regional quality risk manager.
"Offering accessible care is about going to where people are at and starting those conversations."
The bus hit the road for the second time on Friday.
It comes as the outbreak of COVID-19 in Yellowknife has spread to those who are underhoused.
The territory's chief public health officer said 19 people experiencing homeless had tested positive for COVID-19 from mid-August to Sept. 7.
Fitzgerald said the intent is "to connect with the community in a meaningful way," and that she feels that it's been a success so far.