COVID-19 outbreaks declared in two Ottawa schools so far
Ottawa Public Health is reporting two COVID-19 outbreaks in local schools so far this school year.
Découverte French catholic elementary school and Michaëlle-Jean French public elementary school have active COVID-19 outbreaks. Students in Ottawa's French public and catholic boards returned to class on Aug. 31.
An outbreak is defined as two student or staff or visitor cases of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 within a specified class within a 14-day period where at least one case could have reasonably acquired their infection at school (including transportation and before/after school care). This definition was last updated Aug. 26, 2020.
School boards are required to disclose the number of COVID-19 cases affecting students and staff in their schools. Cases may have come from the broader community or within the school.
CTVNewsOttawa.ca looks at cases of COVID-19 affecting Ottawa's four main school boards. Outbreak information is from Ottawa Public Health, while case counts in schools are reported by each individual school board.