COVID-19 outbreak declared at Providence Manor in Kingston, Ont.
Global News
Providence Manor's Sydenham 3 unit at the long term care home has a declared COVID-19 outbreak after four residents tested positive for the virus.
Providence Care in Kingston, Ont., has announced an outbreak of COVID-19 in one of the resident care areas at Providence Manor, a long-term care home.
In a press release sent out Monday evening, the organization announced that four residents of the Sydenham 3 unit had tested positive for the virus.
The declared outbreak will remain in place for a minimum of 10 days during which residents will be closely monitored for symptoms of COVID-19 and tested as needed.
The Sydenham 3 unit has been placed under quarantine and residents are under aerosol and contact precautions.
According to Providence Care, KFL&A Public Health has been notified, as well as the loved ones of the residents.
As a result, Sydenham 3 has been closed to admissions, general visitors are temporarily halted, and all caregivers and care partners must participate in mandatory on-site testing for COVID-19.
However, two essential visitors, for those who are critically ill or nearing end-of-life, are allowed under those circumstances and also must test negative before entering and wear PPE for the duration of their visit.