COVID-19: Middlesex-London Health Unit welcomes November with 14 new cases
Global News
Wilberforce P.S. has actually closed in-person learning due to the extent of the outbreak. Students will have virtual learning until at least Nov. 8.
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The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) reported 14 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, though the total case count climbed by 13.
In total, there have been 14,505 cases to date, including 129 active cases (a decrease of seven), 14,131 recoveries (an increase of 20) and 245 deaths (unchanged).
The most recent death was reported Oct. 21 and involved a man in his 70s who was not associated with a long-term care or retirement home and who was fully vaccinated, but eligible for a third dose due to a suppressed immune system.
Of the 129 active cases, 46 involve kids aged 11 or under, a cohort that is not yet eligible for vaccination. Meanwhile, 35 involve people age 40 to 64 and 22 cases are among those 25 to 39.
Since Sept. 19, the MLHU says all of the variant of concern cases in the region have been the Delta variant except for one case in which they were unable to generate sequencing. Total counts by the type of variant of concern can be found on the health unit’s summary of COVID-19 cases in Middlesex-London page and clicking the “Case Status” tab.
London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) was caring for eight inpatients with COVID-19 as of Monday, up from six on Friday.
There were five or fewer inpatients in adult critical care or the intensive care unit.