Covid-19 hospitalizations are dropping in the Northeast. In other parts of the country, they're rising
During what has been another devastating surge of Covid-19 across the country, there is good news: Some states are starting to see infection numbers and hospitalizations drop. But that's not the case everywhere.
As cases seem to begin plateauing, Covid-19 hospitalizations in the Northeast are down by about 11% after reaching a peak about a week ago and have also dropped slightly -- about 6% -- in the Midwest region, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services. And new Covid-19 hospital admissions are beginning to decline nationwide, a sign that total hospitalizations may soon begin going down too in every part of the country.
The agency's data includes both patients who are hospitalized because of Covid-19 complications and patients who may have been admitted for something else but tested positive for Covid-19. That has been true throughout the pandemic, but the share of patients who fall into each category may have changed over time.