COVID-19 employment recovery slower in core, lower-income Winnipeg neighbourhoods than other areas
Winnipeg's central and lower-income neighbourhoods are having a harder time recovering from COVID-19 compared to the rest of the city, a council report says.
The employment rate is recovering after the pandemic, but hasn't stabilized, a report to the city's finance committee suggests.
Statistics Canada data show areas in the inner city and low-income neighbourhoods have seen little change in employment, financial staff say.
They estimate the changes have been around zero to –3 per cent from February 2020 to January 2022, meaning job numbers have either stayed the same or gone down in those areas.
Most areas of Winnipeg had seen some employment gain since February 2020, the report says.
"Recovery not entirely even across the city," the report says. "Central neighbourhoods still lagging behind in employment gains."
When it comes to the types of jobs that were gained since January 2020, industries like education, retail, public administration, recreation and real estate saw the most recovery.
Accommodation and food services, construction, health care and social assistance are the industries doing the worst.
The city's finance committee will discuss the employment recovery information, as well as how to make sure the city is managing its financial deficit due to COVID-19, in today's meeting.