Coup At Kashmir Press Club, Editors Guild "Alarmed" Over Police Role
Kashmir Press Club: Omar Abdulllah, former Chief Minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, has called it a "state sponsored coup".
The Kashmir Press Club, the biggest organisation of journalists in the valley, witnessed a coup on Saturday with a group of members removing its ad-hoc but elected body and taking over the control with alleged help from armed policemen.
Reports say that the illegal interim body has closed the club - which remained open and functional at the peak of restrictions on August 5, 2019 and even during the deadly waves of the Covid pandemic - to journalists.
Omar Abdulllah, former Chief Minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, has called it a "state sponsored coup".
The Editors Guild Of India has expressed strong reservation at the goings-on at the Club.