Countries With Agenda Blocking India's NSG Membership bid: S Jaishankar
The 48-member NSG is an elite club of countries that deals with the trade in nuclear technology and fissile materials.
India's membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group requires a consensus and there are countries that genuinely have concerns, while there are others that seem to have another agenda and are blocking it, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Wednesday.
Responding to a discussion in Lok Sabha on the Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Amendment Bill, Mr Jaishankar noted that many members expressed interest in where India is on the Nuclear Suppliers Group membership bid.
"The Nuclear Suppliers Group requires a consensus. There is a reason, and many of you are aware of why that consensus is not there. There are countries which genuinely have concerns which they are willing to debate; there are countries which seem to have another agenda and are creating blocks to the consensus," Mr Jaishankar said.
"So, it is something that we are working on. But again, the House will appreciate that since 2014, we have become a Member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Wassenaar Arrangement and Australia Group. So, our role in global arms control, disarmament, proliferation regimes, and initiatives is very strong today. Our reputation is very good," he said.